Natural Language Processing (NLP) is informed by a number of perspectives (disciplines contribute to NLP):

  • Computer/data science
    • Theoretical foundation of computation and practical techniques for implementation
  • Information science
    • Analysis, classification, manipulation, retrieval and dissemination of information
  • Computational Linguistics
    • Use of computational techniques to study linguistic phenomena
  • Cognitive science
    • Study of human information processing (perception, language, reasoning, etc.)

NLP adopts multiple paradigms:

  • Symbolic approaches
    • Rule-based, hand coded (by linguists/subject matter experts)
    • Knowledge-intensive
  • Statistical approaches
    • Distributional & neural approaches, supervised or unsupervised
    • Data-intensive

NLP applications:

  • Text categorisation
    • Media monitoring
      • Classify incoming news stories
    • Search engines
      • Classify query intent, e.g. search for 'LOG313'
    • Spam detection
  • Machine translation
    • Fully automatic, e.g. Google translate
    • Semi-automated
      • Helping human translators
  • Text summarisation
    : to manage information in overload, we need to abstract it down to the most important elements or summarise it
    • Summarisation
      • Single-document vs. multi-document
    • Search results
    • Word processing
    • Research/analysis tools
  • Dialog systems
    • Chatbots
    • Smartphone speakers
    • Smartphone assistants
    • Call handling systems
      • Travel
      • Hospitality
      • Banking
  • Sentiment Analysis
    : identify and extract subjective information
    • Several sub-tasks:
      • Identify polarity
        e.g. of movie reviews
        e.g. positive, negative, or neutral
      • Identify emotional states
        e.g. angry, sad, happy, etc
      • Subjectivity/objectivity identification
        e.g. “fact” from opinion
      • Feature/aspect-based
        : differentiate between specific features or aspects of entities
  • Text mining
    • Analogy with Data Mining
      • Discover or infer new knowledge from unstructured text resources
    • A<->B and B<->C
      • Infer A<->C?
        e.g. link between migraine headaches and magnesium deficiency
    • Applications in life sciences, media/publishing, counter terrorism and competitive intelligence
  • Question answering
    • Going beyond the document retrieval paradigm
      : provide specific answers to specific questions
  • Natural language generation
  • Speech recognition & synthesis

…and lots more


History of NLP

  • Foundational Insights: 1940s and 1950s
    • Two foundational paradigms:
      1. The automaton, which is the essential information processing unit
      2. Probabilistic or information-theoretic models
    • The automaton arose out of Turing’s (1936) model of algorithmic computation
      • Chomsky (1956) considered finite state machines as a way to characterise a grammar
        : he was one of the first people to use these ideas
    • Shannon (1948) borrowed the concept of entropy from thermodynamics
      : Entropy is a measure of uncertainty (as entropy approaches 1.0, uncertainty increases)
      • As a way of measuring the information content of a language
      • Measured of the entropy of English by using probabilistic techniques based on the concept of entropy
  • Two camps: 1960s and 1970s
    • Speech and language processing split into two paradigms:
      1. Symbolic:
           - Chomsky and others on parsing algorithms
           - Artificial intelligence (1956) work on reasoning and logic
           - Early natural language understanding (NLU) systems:
                - Single domains pattern matching
                - Keyword search
                - Heuristics for reasoning
      2. Statistical (stochastic)
           - Mosteller and Wallace (1964) applied Byesian methods to the problem of authorship attribution on The Federalist Papers
  • Early NLP systems
    : ELIZA and SHRDLU were the highly influential early NLP systems
    • ELIZA
      •  Wiezenbaum 1966
      • Pattern matching (ELIZA used elementary keyword spotting techniques)
      • First chatbot
    •  SHRDLU
      • Winograd 1972
      • Natural language understanding
      • Comprehensive grammar of English
        They created this imaginary world called the block’s world (simulated a robot embedded in a world of toy blocks). The user could interact with this block’s world by asking questions and giving commands.
    • Further developments in the 1960s
      • First text corpora (corpora is plural of corpus)
        • The Brown corpus: a one-million-word collection of samples from 500 written texts from different genres (newspaper, novels, non-fiction, academic, etc.), assembled at Brown University in 1963-64 (Kuˇcera and Francis, 1967; Francis, 1979; Francis and Kuˇcera, 1982), and William S. Y. Wang’s 1967 DOC (Dictionary on Computer)
    • Empiricism: 1980s and 1990s
      : The rise of the WWW emphasised the need for language-based information retrieval and information extraction.
      • The return of two classes of models that had lost popularity:
        1. Finite-state models:
             - Finite-state morphology by Kaplan and Kay (1981) and models of syntax by Church (1980)
        2. Probabilistic and data-driven approaches:
             - From speech recognition to part-of-speech tagging, parsing and semantics
      • Model evaluation
        • Quantitative metrics, comparison of performance with previous published research
        • Regular competitive evaluation exercises such as the Message Understanding Conferences (MUC)
    • The rise of machine learning: 2000s
      : Large amounts of spoken and written language data became available, including annotated collections
      e.g. Penn Treebank (Marcus et al. 1993)
      • Traditional NLP problems, such as parsing and semantic analysis, became problems for supervised learning
      • Unsupervised statistical approaches began to receive renewed attention
        • Statistical approaches to machine translation (Brown et al., 1990; Och and Ney, 2003) and topic modelling (Blei et al., 2003) demonstrated that effective applications could be constructed from systems trained on unannotated data
        • Cost and difficulty of producing annotated corpora became a limiting factor for supervised approaches
    • Ascendance of deep learning: 2010s onwards
      • Deep learning methods have become pervasive in NLP and AI in general
        • Advances in technology such as GPUs developed for gaming
        • Plummeting costs of memory
        • Wide availability of software platforms
      • Classic ML methods require analysts to select features based on domain knowledge
        • Deep learning introduced automated feature engineering: generated by the learning system itself
      • Collobert et al (2011) applied convolutional neural nets (CNNs) to POS tagging, chunking, NE tags and language modelling
        • CNNs unable to handle long-distance contextual information
      • Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) process items as a sequence with a "memory" of previous inputs'
        : The method is very useful for what we call sequence labelling tasks.
        • Applicable to many tasks such as:
          • Word-level: named entity recognition, language modelling
          • Sentence-level: sentiment analysis, selecting responses to messages
          • Language generation for machine translation, image captioning, etc.

RNNs are supplemented with long short-term memory (LSTM) or gated recurrent units (GRUs) to improve training performance (the 'vanishing gradient problem').

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