Merging is the operation of combining two sorted files to make one larger sorted file.
Merge Sort applies the "divide-and-conquer" paradigm as Quick Sort does. In Merge Sort, two recursive calls were followed by a merging procedure, which could be described as follows:
- Divide the file in half
- Sort the two halves recursively
- Merge the two halves together while sorting them
Merge Sort is preferred over Quick Sort when there is a large dataset, and/or stored in external storage!
2021.08.24 - [Algorithms] - [Sorting] Quick Sort 퀵 정렬
# Example
# Pseudocode
mid: midpoint of the array
arr: original array
L: left-side array
R: right-side array
n1: left-side array size
n2: right-side array size
merge_sort(left, right):
if left > right
m := left + (right - 1) / 2;
merge_sort(left, mid);
merge_sort(mid + 1, right);
merge(left, mid, right);
merge(left, mid, right):
/* initialise both array sizes */
n1 := mid - l + 1
n2 := r - m
/* Assign size to arrays each */
/* insert values to L array */
for i is 0 to n1 - 1 do:
L[i] := arr[l + i]
end for
/* insert values to R array */
for j is 0 to n2 - 1 do:
R[j] := arr[m + 1 + j]
end for
/* initialise variables */
i := 0
j := 0
k := l
/* arrange values in ascending */
while i < n1 and j < n2 do:
if L[i] <= R[j]
arr[k] := L[i++]
arr[k] := R[j++]
/* increase k by 1 */
end while
/* insert the rest of values in left array */
while i < n1 do:
arr[k++] := L[i++]
end while
/* insert the rest of values in right array */
while j < n2 do:
arr[k++] := R[j++]
end while
# Computation in C
# Time Complexity
- Worst complexity: n*log(n)
- Average complexity: n*log(n)
- Best complexity: n*log(n)
- Space complexity: n
Merge Sort can always run in O(N log N) time, so this method is stable and simple to implement :)
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