Words with similar contexts have similar meanings

  • Zellig Harris (1954): 'If A and B have almost identical environments, we say that they are synonyms' (e.g. doctor|surgeon (patient, hospital, treatment, etc)
    → This notion is referred to as the distributional hypothesis

Distributional hypothesis

  • Is concerned with the link between similar distributions and similar meanings
  • Assumes words with similar contexts have similar meanings


Distributional models are based on a co-occurrence matrix

  • Term-document matrix
  • Term-term matrix

Overall matrix is |V| by |D|

  • Similar documents have similar words: represented by the column vectors
  • Similar words occur in similar documents: represented by the row vectors

Overall matrix is |V| by |V|

  • Represents co-occurrences in some corpus
  • Contex is usually restricted to a fixed window (e.g. +/- 4 words)
  • Similar terms have similar vectors

Problems with term-term matrices:

  • Term-term matrices are sparse
    • Term vectors are long |V|
    • Most entries are zero

Doesn't reflect underlying linguistic structure: 'food is bad' and 'meal was awful'


Word embeddings

Let's represent words using low-dimensional vectors

  • Capture the similarity between terms (e.g. food|meal, bad|awful, etc)
  • 50-300 dimensions (rather than |V|)
  • Most values are non-zero


  • Classifiers need to learn far fewer weights
  • Helps with generalisation, avoids overfitting
  • Captures synonymy

Word2Vec software package: Static embeddings (unlike BERT or ELMo)

  • Key idea
    • Predict rather than count
    • Binary prediction task: 'Is word x likely to co-occur with word y?'
    • Keep classifier weights
    • Running text is the training data
  • Basic algorithm (skip-gram with negative sampling)
    • Treat neighbouring context words as positive samples
    • Treat other random words in V as negative samples
    • Train a logistic regression classifier to distinguish these classes
    • Use learned weights as embeddings

The benefits of using word embeddings compared to traditional vector representations:

  1. They often better generalisation capabilities
  2. They are more compact


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