# Basic Idea

To sort an array digit by digit starting at either the least significant digit (LSD) to most significant digit (MSD).


# Example

Original array: [170, 45, 75, 90, 24, 802, 2, 66]


1) LSD

  1. Starting from the rightmost digit, sort the numbers based on that digit:
    [170, 90, 8022, 24, 45, 75, 66]
  2. Next left digit:
    [802, 02, 24, 45, 66, 170, 75, 90]
  3. And finally by the leftmost digit:
    [002, 024, 045, 066, 075, 090, 170, 802]

2) MSD

  1. First digit, with brackets indicating buckets:
    [{045, 075, 090, 024, 002, 066}, {170}, {802}]
  2. Next digit:
    [{ {002}, {024}, {045}, {066}, {075}, {090} }, 170, 802]
  3. Final digit:
    [002, {024}, 045, 066, 075, 090, 170, 802]

# Pseudocode

arr: array
m: maximum value
mx: temp max value

count: temp array
output: ordered array
i: index

	m := get_max()
    for exp = 1; (m / exp) > 0; exp *= 10 do:
    end for

	mx := arr[0]
    for i is 1 to arr.size() - 1 do:
    	if arr[i] is greater than mx
        	mx := arr[i]
    end for
	return mx

    for i is 0 to arr.size() - 1 do:
    	count[(arr[i] / exp) % 10]++
    end for
    for i is 1 to 9 do:
    	count[i] += count[i - 1]
    end for
    for i is (arr.size() - 1) to 0 do:
    	output[count[(arr[i] / exp) % 10] - 1] := arr[i]
        count[(arr[i] / exp) % 10]--
    end for
    for i is 0 to (arr.size() - 1) do:
    	arr[i] := output[i]
    end for


# Computation in C


# Time Complexity

  • Worst complexity: n*k/d
  • Average complexity: n*k/d
  • Space complexity: n+2^d

n is the number of keys.

k is the maximum number of digits.

d is the key length.

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